SWAN Investment Philosophy

SWAN’s Story

At SWAN Wealth Management, our mission is to help you Sleep Well At Night.

Years ago, we decided to specialize in assisting cross-border clients after witnessing too many people make costly mistakes that left them feeling frustrated and exposed. People came to us after unexpected financial hits had already blindsided them, and that’s when we realized there was a significant need for knowledgeable, proactive guidance.

That's why we created the SWAN Wealth Management website —a resource-rich platform designed to empower you with the critical information you need to navigate your finances smoothly.

Over the years, it has taken immense dedication and hard work, but hearing how our guidance has alleviated stress and simplified financial planning for so many fills us with pride. We’re continually updating our content and creating new resources based on what we learn from our clients and the ever-changing landscape of cross-border financial regulations.

Our Philosophy

When you work with SWAN Wealth Management, you’re not just hiring financial advisors—you’re gaining a dedicated team committed to your peace of mind.

Our job is to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to manage your money effectively so you can live the life you want with comfort and security.

As your primary advisors, we prioritize understanding your unique situation first, then utilize our expertise to help you reach your financial goals. Many clients come to us unsure of what to plan for, what risks they must be aware of, and what they should prioritize.

We step in as your trusted guides, helping you plan for both the expected and the unexpected.

Our approach includes staying informed on the ever-evolving laws in Canada and the US affecting estate planning, gifting, and investment regulations. It also involves knowing when to bring additional experts and which ones to consult, ensuring you receive the most comprehensive advice and support.

At SWAN, we understand that dealing with financial complexities can be stressful and can significantly set you back.

That's why we’re here to help you sort through the overwhelming amount of information and identify what’s truly important for your financial well-being. We aim to take the weight off your shoulders so you can plan confidently and enjoy your lifestyle without unnecessary worry.

Investment Strategy

At Swan Wealth Management, our investment approach is structured and disciplined, focusing on what we can control and leveraging our deep expertise and comprehensive resources to help you achieve your life goals.

Focused on Your Needs

We understand that your financial journey is unique. Our priority is evaluating your situation rather than attempting to predict market movements. This client-centric philosophy ensures that our guidance is tailored to your objectives.

Risk Management

Risk management is at the core of our strategy. We use a combination of diversification and asset allocation to mitigate overall risk. This approach enables you to navigate short-term market fluctuations while remaining on course for your long-term aspirations.

Strategic Use of Equities

Our investment plans incorporate equities thoughtfully as part of a long-term strategy. We do not engage in short-term equity trading but rather integrate equities in ways that align with your long-term financial goals.

Expertise and Global Insights

Our reputation, experience, professional designations, and the robust size of our firm empower us to deliver high-quality advice. We base our asset allocation decisions on global data and recommendations from leading analysts, ensuring informed and strategic investment choices.

By blending rigorous analysis with personalized advice, Swan Wealth Management is committed to guiding you confidently toward achieving your financial milestones.

Customized Portfolios

At Swan Wealth Management, your investment portfolio should reflect your values and financial goals. We offer customized portfolios, including Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) investing options. ESG investing incorporates environmental responsibility, social equity, and robust governance criteria into the investment process. This option allows you to achieve financial returns while supporting sustainability and ethical practices that matter to you.

SWAN’s Quality Matrix

Our investment philosophy focuses on buying high-quality businesses. We believe quality businesses allow us to position properly in companies that possess predictable characteristics. These quality businesses are sector or industry leaders led by management teams with a good track record. Below is a sample of our analysis of two great Canadian companies we own.

Investment Process

At SWAN, we take a multi-disciplined top-down and bottom-up investment approach. The top-down process provides a macro outlook for the economies of Canada, the U.S., and the rest of the world. Informed by the process, the team makes optimal allocations within the portfolios on both a short- and long-term basis.

The bottom-up process begins with quantitative screening of the investment universe, followed by fundamental analysis and due diligence. The team employs technical analysis to assess long-term absolute and relative strength and optimal entry/exit points.

The team maintains a concentrated portfolio of 20-30 of the best ideas in Canada and the 30-35 best in the US. We also use exchange-traded funds to access non-north American investments and bonds.

Our team also monitors performance daily and maintains regular contact with analysts.